Viking News

Viking View

IMPORTANT: Please tell us what you think! Charlo School District is working on our accreditation for OPI and would like your input. Surveys must be completed by Friday, February 7th. Thank you for taking the time to complete the following two surveys, we value your input!

HS TRACK ASSISTANT COACH NEEDED! If you are interested in supporting our HS track students, please contact me at [email protected] or 406-644-2206 x 301. We would love to have you as part of the Viking team in making a difference in the lives of our students! GO VIKINGS!!

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Viking View

IMPORTANT: Please tell us what you think! Charlo School District is working on our accreditation for OPI and would like your input. Surveys must be completed by Friday, February 7th. Thank you for taking the time to complete the following two surveys, we value your input!

HS TRACK ASSISTANT COACH NEEDED! If you are interested in supporting our HS track students, please contact me at [email protected] or 406-644-2206 x 301. We would love to have you as part of the Viking team in making a difference in the lives of our students! GO VIKINGS!!

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Viking View

CONGRATULATIONS! The winners for the 2024/25 Spelling Bee:

  • 1st Place: Apollonia Hall
  • 2nd Place: Addison Hogue
  • 3rd Place: Kylie Cox

Great job and way to work hard!

GREAT JOB MTDA STUDENTS! Charlo School received the following message from Montana Digital Academy today: As of this morning, 100% of Charlo High School MTDA students have logged into their course! That is really something!!

Viking View - New format: I am trying a new VV format. If this is hard to read, please let me know! Thanks!

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Viking View

SUPPORT YOUR VIKINGS! Charlo School is struggling to find people to run clocks, take tickets, etc. for sporting events. Without these important positions, events cannot be held. Recently, we have had to consider canceling games due to these positions not being filled. Thank you to those who stepped up, You are GREATLY appreciated! If you are interested in getting paid to support our Vikings, please contact Ginger at 406-644-2206 or [email protected]. If you are new to these positions, we are happy to train you.

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Viking View

SUPPORT OUR VIKINGS! Charlo School is struggling to find people to run clocks, take tickets, etc. for sporting events. Without these important positions, events cannot be held. Recently, we have had to consider canceling games due to not having enough people to run them. Thank you to those who stepped up, you are GREATLY appreciated! If you are interested in getting paid to support our Vikings, please contact Ginger at 406-644-2206 or [email protected]. If you are new to these positions, we are happy to train you. Thank you for your support!

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Viking View

Support Viking Basketball! We are looking for someone willing to help run clock and shot clocks for the basketball games. If you are interested, please contact Ginger in the office. Your help and support is greatly appreciated!


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Viking View

Indian Education - Parent Advisory Committee: Charlo School would like to strengthen its Indian Education Parent Advisory Committee (IED PAC). If you are a parent interested in joining our PAC, please contact me: [email protected] or 406-644-2206 x 301.

*** PLEASE JOIN US! IED PAC meeting: Monday, December 30, 2024 at 11:00am in the District Office.

SEMESTER ENDS JANUARY 23:The end of the semester is ending soon, please check your child(s) grades on Infinite Campus. If you need help with accessing Infinite Campus, please contact the school.

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Viking View

SEMESTER ENDS JANUARY 23: The semester is ending soon. Please check your child(s) grades in Infinite Campus. If you need help accessing Infinite Campus, please contact the school.

Support Viking Basketball! We are looking for someone willing to help run the clock and shot clocks for the basketball games. If you are interested, please contact Ginger in the office. Your help and support is greatly appreciated!

Winter Break: There will not be school December 20 - January 5. Have fun, stay warm, and enjoy this extra time with your kiddos, friends, and family!

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Viking View

Huge shoutout to Mrs. Madden and students!! If you didn’t get the chance to attend our HS or Elementary Winter Concert, you really missed out! It was very apparent that Mrs. Madden, students, and teachers put a lot of time and hard work into making these events magical. Thank you to Mrs. Detert, Mrs. Tanner, and Mr. Atchley; it was great to see our Art, Drama, and Shop programs work together to create spectacular props. Thank you to Gari, Janet, and Pete for helping set up! Thanks to all the teachers and paraeducators who helped wrangle and organize students, you are all awesome! With all the great staff, students, and community, Charlo is a great place to be!

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Viking View

THANK YOU!! I am so impressed and filled with gratitude for the amazing support of our teachers, families, and community to make Charlo a great place for students. Parents and teachers filled classrooms with Thanksgiving treats, fun, and laughter!

CHECK INFINITE CAMPUS! Please check your student’s Infinite Campus account for fees and updated grades.

***Mid-term grades will be sent home Tuesday!

Winter Music Concerts: Please join the amazing Mrs. Madden and Charlo’s talented musicians for our winter concerts. The MS/HS band concert will be December 9th at 7:00 and the elementary concert will be December 10th at 6:00.

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