Varsity Football vs Victor Change: Due to smoky air conditions in the Bitterroot Valley the varsity football game @ Victor tomorrow has been moved to Charlo. Kickoff is at 1:00 PM tomorrow in Charlo.
JHVB Parents: Only 6 forms have been returned so far concerning the Charlo JHVB Jamboree on Oct. 1 in Charlo. If we cannot get enough help we will have to cancel it. Letters were sent home with JHVB players and parents should return them as soon as possible. If you have questions please call 644-2206 ext 230.
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Off to a Great Start! Thank you to all parents and community members for tremendous support of our school and staff. It is much appreciated and has gotten all us off to a great start!
School Calendar: Hope you all enjoy a great Labor Day break but please note that students do have school next Friday: Sep. 9.
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Attention Moiese/Dixon Bus Riders: Tomorrow morning, 8/26, please plan on pick up times being about 10 minutes earlier.
School Calendar: Please note that students do have school on several Fridays at the beginning of the year: Aug. 26, Sep. 9, and Sep. 23 are normal school days 7:50 AM-4:01 PM
Reminders: Thank you for helping make the first day of school successful!
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OPEN HOUSE for K-12 Meet and Greet: Aug. 22 at 3:30-4:30. Come meet with teachers, find your lockers, see your classrooms, get questions answered about bus routes, pay fees, and fill out paperwork.
School Calendar: You will find the 2022-2023 school calendar by clicking here. With a 4 day school week there are some challenges at times. Please note that students do have school on several Fridays at the beginning of the year: Aug. 26, Sep. 9, and Sep. 23.
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We (all schools in Montana) are in a crisis situation to maintain our athletic programs. We are supposed to start Fall sports in the next two weeks and due to a resignation we now have an opening for Athletic Director and Junior High Football Coach. We have had openings for Junior High Boys Basketball for five months now with ZERO applicants. We need your help! For the past 25 years I have listened to fans and parents in the bleachers critique coaches and athletic directors about the schedule, the defense, the offense, the off season work out plan, the starting line up, the team hotel, the team bus, the departure times, etc, etc, etc. Here’s a chance for somebody who thinks they know scheduling, offense, defense, travel time, coaching, and organizing officials to step up! Please give us a call at 644-2206 if you think you could help with Junior High Football, Junior High Basketball, or being an Athletic Director. Our programs are hanging in the balance. School personnel are maxed out. Over half of our staff already wear more than one hat every day beyond what their main job is at school. Please consider stepping up to help. Thank you for your consideration of this situation.
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Home Ec: We are starting a Home Ec program this year so if anyone has extra berries, garden produce, or fruit please call Susan Petersen 868-2565 and Susan will come and pick it for you. She will also pick and split with you if you are just tired of picking!
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Parents, Uncles, Big Brothers, Big Sisters, Arm Chair Quarterbacks, We need your help! There is a shortage of people willing to help out in all facets of sports. Last winter several tournaments in basketball and wrestling were cancelled due to lack of workers. It happened again this summer with softball. If the season started today we would not have junior high boys basketball due to lack of coaches. We are going to need help with game administration starting Aug. 26 running through February. Ticket takers, line judges, clock keepers, and such are needed to make events run smoothly. There is a shortage of officials throughout the entire state. Please contact the office 644-2206 if you can help. We would be glad to answer any questions you may have, especially with JH Boys Basketball. Please consider applying.
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Athletes Clean Out the Lockers in the Locker Rooms! Athletes need to remove all personal gear from locker rooms including lockers by July 22. Anything found after that will be donated to Good Will or it will be thrown away. All Gyms and locker rooms will be OFF LIMITS starting July 25-Aug. 10 for gym floor refinishing, lobby floor refinishing, locker room cleaning, etc.
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Coaching Positions for 2022-2023: Charlo Schools 7J has an opening for 2 Junior High Boys Basketball Coaches for the 2022-2023 season. Junior High Boys Basketball begins around the middle of October and ends in early December. Charlo is a Class “C” school with 80 students in the High School and 250 students overall in K-12. It is located in the beautiful Mission Valley North of Missoula, MT. Salary is a stipend of approximately $2200 depending on years of experience. To apply 1) Send letter of Interest addressed to Steve Love, Superintendent PO Box 10 Charlo, MT 59824 along with 2) District Application available at 3) Copy of Transcripts 4) Copy of Teaching License 5) 3 Letters of Recommendation. Charlo Schools 7J does not discriminate on basis of race, religion, gender, age, national origin, disability, or marital status. If you have questions please call (406) 644-2206 ext 230.
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Kitchen Assistant Job Opening: We will have a job opening in the school kitchen for the 2022-2023 school year. The job will be part time Mon-Thu approximately 9 AM – 3 PM. Duties include food prep, cleaning, and other duties as assigned by the district. Wages DOE. If interested please contact Steve Love, Superintendent, at [email protected] or call 644-2206 ext 230.
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