June School Board Meeting: The June School Board meeting has been moved up to June 14th at 8 PM in the library. Agendas are posted at the Charlo Post Office, Dixon Post Office, and the Charlo School District Office by Friday before the regular meeting. Board packets are available upon request at the District Office.
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June School Board Meeting: The June School Board meeting has been moved up to June 14th at 8 PM in the library.
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The June School Board Meeting has been moved to June 14 @ 8 PM.
Lost and Found: All of the lost and found items are washed and laid out on the table by the Home Ec room door. This will be out through Monday, May 23. Monday night or Tuesday morning everything that is left will go away.
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The June School Board Meeting has been moved to June 14 @ 8 PM. The May School Board Meeting remains scheduled for the 3rd Tuesday of the month on May 17 at 7 PM.
Down the Stretch They Come! It’s not quite the 12 days of Christmas but the countdown is here with only 12 days of school left. It’s a busy time of year with final testing, concerts, field trips, track meets, and softball tournaments. Please finish strong and come to school. Attendance at school should be priority number one and has the most impact on a student’s grades.
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The June School Board Meeting has been moved to June 14 @ 8 PM. The May School Board Meeting remains scheduled for the 3rd Tuesday of the month on May 17 at 7 PM.
Teacher Appreciation Week: This week marked Teacher Appreciation Week. Our students have some of the best in the business educating them. I hope that our students/parents understand the work that is put into teaching our youth. Please make sure to tell that teacher, coach, paraprofessional, or staff member who makes a difference in a student’s life thanks for all they do!
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20 days to go! April 28 is the mid-term of the 4th quarter. The year will be over before you know it. Progress reports will be sent home next week. School ends on June 2. That leaves 20 days to dig in and finish strong. Attendance has always been extremely important in education. This year we have seen even more impact from attendance (or lack thereof) on a student’s academic success, mental attitude, emotional stability, and physical well-being. Please make finishing the year with strong attendance a priority. There are times parents and students cannot control their attendance so please make the most of the days you can control. Please consider saving those vacation days, family trips, etc. for after June 2. Checking out early may result in lower academic achievement, lower GPA, or possibly a failing grade. Please plan ahead to finish the entire school year. Thank you for your attention to this matter.
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Custodian Position: Charlo Schools has a full time custodian position available. Required Qualifications: HS Diploma or Equivalent, Maintenance Experience, Knowledge of Cleaning Techniques, Pass a Physical, Pass a Background Check, Flexible Personality. Additionally, a Boiler’s License and Bus Driving Endorsement are desirable. Salary and Benefits: Negotiable depending on credentials and experience. Vacation and Sick Leave is earned accordingly. Health Insurance provided. Work schedule is set according to the District’s needs but normally 5 days per week, 8 hrs per day with occasional weekend duties. Closing Date: Until Filled. Contact Steve Love, Superintendent at 644-2206 ex 230 with questions or to get a District Application. The District Application is also available at http://charlo.k12.mt.us/.
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Custodian Position: Charlo Schools has a full time custodian position available. Required Qualifications: HS Diploma or Equivalent, Maintenance Experience, Knowledge of Cleaning Techniques, Pass a Physical, Pass a Background Check, Flexible Personality. Additionally, a Boiler’s License and Bus Driving Endorsement are desirable. Salary and Benefits: Negotiable depending on credentials and experience. Vacation and Sick Leave is earned accordingly. Health Insurance provided. Work schedule is set according to the District’s needs but normally 5 days per week, 8 hrs per day with occasional weekend duties. Closing Date: Until Filled. Contact Steve Love, Superintendent at 644-2206 ex 230 with questions or to get a District Application. The District Application is also available at http://charlo.k12.mt.us/about/careers.
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Immunization Clinic: Reminder-On April 20th the Lake County Health Department will be offering Tdap, Meningococcal and HPV vaccines here at the school. Tdap is required by Montana state law before a student enters 7th grade. 6th grade parents please return the consent forms no later than April 15th if you are interested in this service. Call Nurse Marie at 644-2206 ext 200.
Charlo Junior High Track Meet: Charlo will be hosting a junior high track meet on April 15. If you are able to help in any way, shape, or form please contact the office. It takes a lot of people to put on a successful track meet.
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Kindergarten Round-Up: Don’t forget that today (Apr. 1) is Kindergarten Round-Up. Parents with school age students are encouraged to schedule an appointment by calling 644-2206 Ext 229.
Junior Prom: The Prom is this Saturday at 8 PM for the Grand March. It’s located at 62413 Blood Ranch Ln, St. Ignatius, MT 59865.
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