Viking News

Viking View

Today is the last day of the 1st semester and 2nd Qtr: Report cards will go out next week.

Schedule Change for HSBB: HS basketball games will start at 2:30 Saturday (1/22) vs Two Eagle: JVB, JVG, VG, VB. All games will be played in the main gym.

Participation Fees Due: Junior High Girls Basketball participation fees are due today 1/20/2022.

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Viking View

HS Wrestling Cancelled: Tonight’s match between Mission/Charlo and Superior has been cancelled. They will try to reschedule.

HSBB Games Cancelled: The high school games vs Superior on Jan. 14 have been postponed and hopefully will be rescheduled.

Event Parking: Please be aware of Senior Citizen and Disabled parking zones near and around the gyms. They are set aside for our older fans or fans who might have a disability which requires closer parking. Please observe the signs and park farther away to make room for others who need to be in proximity.

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Viking View

4 Day School Week Survey: An email was sent out earlier this week, and again today, surveying parents about their feelings on whether or not to continue with a 4 day school week for the 2022-2023 school year. Just over half of parents on our email list have submitted their survey. If you have not done so please submit your opinion as soon as possible. If you have problems with the survey or wish to submit something paper/pencil please contact the office at 644-2206.

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Viking View

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! On behalf of everyone at Charlo School District 7J, I want to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Thank you for all of your support of the school system, staff, and students.

Thankful for Charlo Volunteer Firemen and MHP: We had an accident in Moiese on the bus route when another driver pulled out in front of our school bus. It caused a collision but thankfully, nobody was injured. Thanks to our volunteer firemen for responding so quickly and being so helpful at the scene. The State Trooper was also great to work with figuring things out. We are very lucky to have such people in our community!

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Viking View

School Board Meeting Change: Due to the elementary concert on Dec. 21, the regular monthly school board meeting for December has been moved to Wednesday, Dec. 22 at 6 PM in the library.

JH Girls Basketball: Practice starts for Junior High Girls Basketball on Jan. 3. Make sure physicals and concussion forms are turned in if you did not play volleyball.

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Viking View

School Board Meeting Change: Due to the elementary concert on Dec. 21, the regular monthly school board meeting for December has been moved to Wednesday, Dec. 22 at 6 PM in the library.

Mid-Term: The 2nd quarter is halfway complete. Progress reports will be available next week. Please check in with your student about their grades. The 2nd quarter and 1st Semester end on Jan. 20. If you have any questions about your student’s grades please contact the school.

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Viking View

School Board Meeting Change: Due to the elementary concert on Dec. 21, the regular monthly school board meeting for December has been moved to Wednesday, Dec. 22 at 6 PM in the library.

Mid-Term: The 2nd quarter will be halfway complete on Dec. 9. Progress reports will be available the following week. Please check in with your student about their grades. The 2nd quarter and 1st Semester end on Jan. 20.

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Viking View

Thankful for Charlo and Public Education: In the recent months there have been lots of controversy among public schools across the nation as politics have infiltrated education. It has been plain ugly at times with politicians using the pandemic to stir up the rhetoric rather than to focus on kids. I am very thankful to work with tremendous public educators and especially thankful to work with them in Charlo School District 7J. Our community, school board, and employees have kept the best interest of the students in mind during the pandemic from my perspective. We have had thoughtful conversations concerning face coverings and vaccinations but no riots, no threats, no recalls, no canceled board meetings. The school district has kept education as its main priority.

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Viking View

Vaccination Clinic: Tribal Health will be holding a COVID vaccination clinic at Charlo High School for all students from ages 5-17 years old for anyone who is interested. This includes tribal and non-tribal students. Parents and/or guardians must be present to sign consent forms. The clinic will be held on FRIDAY December 3rd with the booster clinic to be held FRIDAY January 14th. Both clinics will be from 10:00 AM-1:00 PM. If your student has already had one dose, please bring their immunization card with you. Feel free to call with any questions.

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Viking View

Report Cards: Students should have brought home report cards to parents by now for the first quarter. If you did not receive a report card please contact the school for a copy. If you still haven’t logged onto Infinite Campus to monitor your student’s grades please check the school website or call the office. Infinite Campus allows parents to keep up with student assignments and grades. Teacher are required to update information once a week. Please contact the school if you have questions.

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