Foggy and Dark: We experienced our first morning of the dreaded Mission Valley Fog this morning. The fog combined with darkness is really challenging when students are arriving at school, waiting for buses, and boarding buses. Some students are wearing reflective jackets or coats. Others have flashlights or some sort of headlight with colors such as red or green. It really helps our staff, bus drivers, and parents who are driving when kids have reflective gear or lights. Please consider sending your students with something which helps identify them in the dark and makes them easier to see!
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End of 1st Quarter: Nov. 4 is the end of the 1st quarter. If there are any questions about grades please contact your teacher. Report cards go out the following week.
Morning Drop Offs: Please travel North to South when dropping off students in the morning. This is the same direction that buses are traveling. This allows everyone to exit to the same side of the school. We still have folks traveling the opposite direction and then students have to cross the street against traffic. It is dark in the morning. It is busy in the morning. Please help us keep everyone safe.
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No School Thursday or Friday: Reminder that there is no school Oct. 21-22 for teacher conferences. We are back in the saddle Monday Oct. 25.
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Parent Teacher Conferences: Parent teacher conferences will be Oct. 14 from 4 PM to 7 PM then again Oct. 15 9 AM- Noon. Elementary teachers have scheduled appointments with parents. Secondary teachers will be available in their classrooms for walk-ins during the respective times. Please contact the office if you have questions.
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Parent Teacher Conferences: Parent teacher conferences will be Oct. 14 from 4 PM to 7 PM then again Oct. 15 9 AM- Noon. Elementary teachers are scheduling times to meet with parents by appointment. Slips went home with elementary students this week. Secondary teachers will be available in their classrooms for walk-ins during the respective times. Please contact the office if you have questions.
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Update to COVID 19 Safe Return Plan: We really appreciate parents, students, and staff staying at home when feeling sick. It is the best line of defense to reduce transmission of any illness. We want to keep our doors open and make sure kids do not have to return to remote instruction. The best way to accomplish that goal is to stay healthy. The school board has made an additional attempt to mitigate transmission of COVID19 with an update to the Safe Return Plan. Beginning today students or staff who are possible exposures of a positive case of COVID 19 will be asked to wear a face covering while indoors on school campus for 14 consecutive days OR to stay home and off campus for 14 consecutive days.
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Mid-Terms: We are at the halfway point of the first quarter. Students should be receiving progress reports by next Wednesday. If there is ever a question about a student’s academic progress please do not hesitate to contact the teacher directly. Please call the office at 644-2206 with questions about connecting with teachers.
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Weekly Schedules: Due to COVID 19 there have been other schools who have had to cancel and reschedule with sports this week. It is changing by the minute so please refer to the daily blurp, the school facebook, and school emails for the latest information. The season schedules that have been listed on the school website are probably not accurate. If you have questions you can also call the school anytime at 644-2206.
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NEVER FORGET: 20 years ago tomorrow I was completing my 3rd week teaching in my first year at Charlo. The towers were on fire in NYC and we watched CNN in the old gym coach’s office as it unfolded. It is hard to believe that students in school today were not even born yet. I hope that none of us ever forget that tragic day. I also hope we always keep our soldiers, law enforcement, firefighters, and first responders in our thoughts no matter the circumstance. We are blessed with some of the best in our own community. A heartfelt appreciation goes to all that serve or have served as well as those who volunteer as firemen, emt’s, or work as deputies and troopers.
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Week 2! We are getting into the groove at school and we hope all of you are as well. Routines are settling in with schedules. Please contact the office with any questions that might arise!
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