Viking View
Happy Independence Day! I hope all of you have a safe and fun 4th of July Weekend!
ESSER Money for COVID Relief: ESSER (Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief) funding from the federal government has been a topic of discussion at multiple school board meetings in this past Spring. On June 1 a special meeting held by trustees which narrowed down areas of priorities: the top 3 were: maintaining staffing, improving or replacing HVAC, and getting additional counseling help for students. The trustees have supported the use of funds to balance the budget to maintain staff rather than exploring any staff cuts. They also authorized advertising for an additional mental health counselor. This past week they held a special meeting on June 21 to once again discuss the use of ESSER funding. This meeting was designated toward updating or replacing the current HVAC system. The main boiler system is estimated to be over 60 years old. More meetings will be held to further discuss spending ESSER funds and all meetings are posted, public meetings. If you or any community members you know have any input please join us!