Viking View
Week 2! We are getting into the groove at school and we hope all of you are as well. Routines are settling in with schedules. Please contact the office with any questions that might arise!
Week 2! We are getting into the groove at school and we hope all of you are as well. Routines are settling in with schedules. Please contact the office with any questions that might arise!
COVID 19: We have already seen quarantines due to COVID 19 this week at school. We are working with the health department on quarantines and close contact tracing. The rules of quarantining are changing every day. At this time anyone who has been fully vaccinated will not be quarantined by County Health. Anyone who has been positive for COVID 19 in the past 3 months will not be quarantined by County Health. We have also been told if both persons have face coverings those individuals will be have to quarantine but we have not seen that in writing. If you have concerns or questions you can call Nurse Marie at 644-2206 ext 200, Mr. Bartschi ext 301, or Mr. Love 230.
URGENT!!! We have not been able to fill custodial openings and need help with cleaning at school. We are open to any proposal on wages or contracts to get the cleaning done at school. If you have any interest in working at school whether it be full time, part time, or interested in submitting a bid to do the cleaning please call 406-644-2206 ext 230. We are willing to entertain any and all proposals.
THE SCHOOL NEEDS YOUR PATIENCE TOO: It’s near impossible to walk into any business right now without some sort of a sign stating they are understaffed and requesting your patience. Schools are in the exact same situation as businesses. We are not fully staffed. We are still advertising for custodians, a counselor, substitute teachers, substitute bus drivers, and substitute custodians. For example, we might not be able to run our bus routes every day. We might have to carpool to athletic events. Schools are again caught in the crossfire of the pandemic both medically and politically. We get contradictory advice every other day it seems. We are adjusting to a new school calendar and 4 day week.
Shortages Everywhere: Last year was one for the ages for many reasons. Shortages on nearly everything is one of the items that folks are feeling and the school is not immune from it either. We have been facing a worker shortage just like the private sector. We are having a hard time completing orders for supplies and materials. Teachers and coaches might not start the year with the books they ordered. They might not have the equipment they thought they would get by Fall. It’s something we are all dealing with at this time. We know this year will give us similar challenges to last year and also present new obstacles. Positive attitudes, patience, and flexibility will be answers to many questions we all face together.
Teaching Positions Filled: Last night the School Board held a special meeting to hire 3 teachers to fill open positions in the elementary for Title I and in the JH/HS for Math/Title/Art. We are grateful that the schedule for students in high school will still offer the same courses and that current teachers will be able to plan accordingly for the upcoming year.
Good Luck Charlo Junior Stockgrowers: I want to wish the 4H students the best of luck at the Lake County Fair!
Gyms, Lobby, Weightroom Closed: We will be refinishing the gym floors and waxing the lobby so the entire gym complex will be closed from July 27 - Aug. 10.
The regular monthly school board meeting for July has been moved up to July 15 at 8 PM.
Surplus Sale to be held July 19 from 9 AM to Noon: The school will be holding its annual surplus/obsolete equipment sale on July 19. There will be old Ipads, old PC’s, desks, tables, scroll saws, a shaper, and other items which are obsolete or surplus at the school for sale.
The regular monthly school board meeting for July has been moved up to July 15 at 8 PM.
Math Teachers Needed: We have two openings for math teachers. There is a nationwide teacher shortage and finding teachers is very challenging. With only about 90 days until school starts finding teachers is very difficult let alone finding certified math teachers. The State of Montana allows for provisional teaching licenses. If you know of a math teacher or know somebody that excels in mathematics who might be interested in teaching please have them contact the school. If you think you could help teach math and are interested please contact the school. I would enjoy discussing options with anyone interested in helping our students. The office number is (406) 644-2206 and my extension is 230.
Happy Independence Day! I hope all of you have a safe and fun 4th of July Weekend!
ESSER Money for COVID Relief: ESSER (Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief) funding from the federal government has been a topic of discussion at multiple school board meetings in this past Spring. On June 1 a special meeting held by trustees which narrowed down areas of priorities: the top 3 were: maintaining staffing, improving or replacing HVAC, and getting additional counseling help for students. The trustees have supported the use of funds to balance the budget to maintain staff rather than exploring any staff cuts. They also authorized advertising for an additional mental health counselor. This past week they held a special meeting on June 21 to once again discuss the use of ESSER funding. This meeting was designated toward updating or replacing the current HVAC system. The main boiler system is estimated to be over 60 years old. More meetings will be held to further discuss spending ESSER funds and all meetings are posted, public meetings. If you or any community members you know have any input please join us!
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