Viking News

Viking View

4th Qtr: The 4th qtr is going by fast. Next week is Mid Term of the 4th quarter so please be sure to keep up with students grades. Graduation is coming fast. The 4th qtr affects eligibility for Fall sports. Students who fail now find it harder to make up the ground the following year. Please don’t hesitate to contact teachers about student progress.

Question of the Week: When is graduation and 8th grade promotion?

Graduation takes place at 3 PM on May 26. 8th grade promotion takes place May 28 at 7 PM.

If you have a question of the week please email it to [email protected].

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Viking View

Charlo Book Fair: Book fair in the Library - Apr.l 15-18 from 7:30-10:00; 12:00-1:00; and4:00-6:00 respectively. Buy one, get one free!

Participation Fees Due: All student athletes must pay their participation fees for track and softball before their next competition: for softball that’s tomorrow, for JH track that’s Friday, and for HS Track that’s tomorrow.

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Viking View

Charlo Book Fair: Book fair in the Library April 15-18 from 7:30-10:00; 12:00-1:00; and4:00-6:00 respectively. Buy one, get one free!

Front Doors Locked: Recently we have seen more foot traffic than we are used to around the school on our streets. We have had no issues but for safety reasons we will now have our front doors locked during the day. Visitors will have to buzz in and be allowed to enter the building. This is not uncommon for schools to do this and we feel it’s an appropriate measure to take. It might be inconvenient at first but over time it will become a good safety habit.

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Viking View

Vaccination Clinic: Due to lack of interest the Vaccination Clinic which was scheduled for Apr. 9, it has been cancelled.

Front Doors Locked: Recently we have seen more foot traffic than we are used to around the school on our streets. We have had no issues but for safety reasons in addition to other doors around campus we will now also have our front doors locked during the day. Visitors will have to buzz in and be allowed to enter the building. This is not uncommon for schools to do this and we feel it’s an appropriate measure to take. It might be inconvenient at first but over time it will become a good safety habit.

Volunteer Firemen’s Dinner: Please support our Charlo Volunteer Firemen on Apr. 13 from 4:30-7:00 for a tri tip roast dinner. There will be a live auction with raffle drawing to follow. That all starts at 7:15. All proceeds go to the Charlo Firemen. If you have questions contact Joel Fuhrman at 531-1315.

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Viking View

End of 3rd Qtr: Today is the end of the 3rd quarter. Report cards will be sent out next week. The 4th quarter will be gone before we know it. Please review grades and progress of your students. If you have questions please contact the school.

Kindergarten Round Up: Don’t forget that tomorrow, Mar. 29 is our Kindergarten Round Up. There is still time to sign up for child, just call 644-2206 ext 229 and Ginger will get you scheduled. The Round Up is a simple screening that helps parents and teachers get a feeling on Kindergarten readiness for students.

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Viking View

Parents, Students, and Community Members: I want to thank all of you for your concern, patience, and thoughtful questions about the recent threat situation the school experienced on Tuesday. All of us are keenly aware of the seriousness of such issues. It is scary. It is frustrating. It is stressful. One of the toughest things about it is communication. The school is stuck between a rock and hard place when it comes to disseminating information. There are all kinds of considerations: safety of students and staff, public’s right to know, individual’s right to privacy, and the list goes on. I have listed a few questions we received since the announcement on the threat. These are questions we can answer so I hope this helps with some of the apprehension all of us experience in these situations. Anytime you have questions please do not hesitate to call or set up an appointment.

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Viking View

Happy St. Patrick’s Day! May the Luck of Irish Shine Down Upon You!

“May the road rise to meet you,
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
The rains fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of his hand.”

Rumor Mill: We really do appreciate calls and questions here at school especially when it involves rumors. Two weeks ago there was a rumor about several teachers resigning at a school board meeting. That rumor is not true. At this time, one teacher has announced her intention to retire. To date, there have been no other resignations. I was called today regarding several open hourly positions that were rumored to be available at the school. There are no openings for hourly positions at this time at the school. If there are job opportunities which become available they will be listed on the school facebook page, with OPI jobs for teachers, and/or Lake County Job Service.

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Viking View

Misconception on MTDA: This week it was brought to my attention by parents there is a misconception about our high school classes and the Montana Digital Academy Classes. It seems there are some who believe that MTDA classes are used as core classes rather than having face to face instruction with certified teachers. This perception is false! We use MTDA classes for foreign languages, credit recovery, and elective enhancement. Our required core classes are taught face to face by certified teachers. Please do not hesitate to call with any questions regarding instruction at any level at Charlo.

Question of the Week: None submitted.

If you have a question of the week please email it to [email protected].

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Viking View

Divisional Basketball Tournament: The Lady Vikings play Granite County at 9:30 AM Thursday in Frenchtown in the opening game of the Western C Divisional Basketball Tournament.

Prom Dress Exchange: Ninepipe’s Lodge has teamed up with the Jaded Pony Boutique to bring a Prom Dress Exchange to the lovely young ladies of the Mission Valley! Our Mission is to provide high school aged girls with formal dresses, jewelry and shoes at no cost and to help those of you with extras in your closet to donate. We also have joined forces with Awesome Aunties Boutique who will be donating a limited supply of jewelry from her Paparazzi Collection and some prom dresses from last years event in Polson!

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Viking View Valentine's Day Edition

Happy Valentine’s Day!

Question of the Week: When will out of district applications be available for the 2024-2025 school year? Beginning on July 1, 2024 a new law takes effect concerning non resident students attending schools. This law changed some previous requirements for school districts so there is work being done on new school board policy by all Montana Schools. Charlo is currently working through the policy as discussion items at monthly board meetings. We hope to have an approve policy by April. After the policy has been adopted by the school board then applications will become available.

If you have a question of the week please email it to [email protected].

District Basketball Tournament: The Vikings head to Polson for the 14C Basketball Tournament Feb. 15-17. The Lady Vikings will play their first game at 1:30 PM Friday against the winner of Two Eagle/Noxon. The Vikings first game will be at 6:45 PM against the winner of Two Eagle River/Alberton. The tournament is being held at the Linderman Gym.

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