Viking News

Viking View

Basketball Court Dedication: The dedication to Coach Thompson for the basketball court will be held tomorrow Friday, Feb. 9 vs Hot Springs. JV games begin at 4 PM. We will have a dedication to Coach Thompson after those games are completed and before the start of the girls varsity game. We are estimating that to be around 5:30 PM.

School Counselor Week: This week is National School Counselor’s Week. Charlo is blessed to have Marie Michels as a school counselor. She does an outstanding job! Thank you Ms. Michels!

Parent/Guardian Contact Changes: If your phone number or email changes please notify the office. Additionally, please set up your voicemail and clean out your messages. When trying to contact parents it is important to be able to at least leave a message. About 1 in 3 times the mailbox has not been set up-the mailbox is full-the phone number has been disconnected. Thank you for your attention to this matter.

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Viking View

Second Semester: We are two weeks into the second semester already. Mid-terms are on Feb. 22. One thing all us can work on is planning ahead so please stay in touch with your student’s progress in the classroom. Given our student information system, email, and a simple phone call; it’s easier than ever to keep up with how your student is doing in the classroom. Don’t wait until mid-terms or the last week of the quarter to check on grades. If you have questions about monitoring student progress please contact the office at 644-2206.

Attendance: Showing up is the number one reason for success in the classroom, on the team, or at your job. Conversely, poor attendance is the greatest challenge to accomplishing goals and being successful in academics, athletics, and at your place of work. Please stress the importance of good attendance. Stress the importance of being on time to class. They are important characteristics that can make or break achievement in all facets of life!

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Viking View

Senior Night: Friday evening vs Two Eagle is Charlo’s Senior Night. We will honor our Seniors in basketball and wrestling along with their parents between the Varsity games. The order of games is JVB, VG, VB beginning at 4 PM.

Basketball Court Dedication: The dedication to Coach Thompson on the basketball court has been moved to Friday, Feb. 9 vs Hot Springs.

Survey: We are still trying to collect information through our Comprehensive Needs Assessment. If you have completed the survey we really appreciate it. If not, please take a few minutes to give us your opinion. This survey will give administration and trustees information on how the community feels about the school so they can address areas of weakness and continue to maintain areas of strength. You can access the survey on our website Please complete the survey online or call the office at 644-2206 to have one mailed to you. If you have issues completing the survey contact Mario Villalobos at 644-2206 ext 275 or email him [email protected].

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Viking View

Basketball Court Dedication: The dedication to Coach Thompson on the basketball court has been moved to Friday, Feb. 9 vs Hot Springs.

Survey: We are still trying to collect information through our Comprehensive Needs Assessment. If you have completed the survey we really appreciate it. If not, please take a few minutes to give us your opinion. This survey will give administration and trustees information on how the community feels about the school so they can address areas of weakness and continue to maintain areas of strength. You can access the survey on our website Please complete the survey online or call the office at 644-2206 to have one mailed to you. If you have issues completing the survey contact Mario Villalobos at 644-2206 ext 275 or email him [email protected].

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Viking View

Basketball Court Dedication: Please join us Friday, Jan. 12 as we dedicate the new basketball court in honor of Coach Bret Thompson. We are playing St. Regis with JV games starting at 4 PM. We will honor Coach Thompson following the JV games before the Girls Varsity tips off at approximately 5:30 PM.

Survey: We have sent out a comprehensive needs assessment survey for all parents, community members, staff, and students to complete. This survey will give administration and trustees information on how the community feels about the school so they can address areas of weakness and continue to maintain areas of strength. You can access the survey on our website Please complete the survey online or call the office at 644-2206 to have one mailed to you. If you have issues completing the survey contact Mario Villalobos at 644-2206 ext 275 or email him [email protected].

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Viking View

Friday, Jan. 5 is a regular school day 7:50 am to 4:00 pm.

SURVEY: We have sent out a comprehensive needs assessment survey for all parents, community members, staff, and students to complete. This survey will give administration and trustees information on how the community feels about the school so they can address areas of weakness and continue to maintain areas of strength. Please complete the survey online or call the office at 644-2206 to have one mailed to you. If you have issues completing the survey contact Mario Villalobos at 644-2206 ext 275 or email him [email protected].

Arlee Basketball Game Concessions: Arlee will be having Brisket and MacnCheese Meal Deals at the basketball game Friday evening. Cost will be $10.

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Viking View

Tomorrow Dec. 21 is a regular school day 7:50 am to 4:00 pm.

On behalf of the staff here at Charlo School District 7J, I want to wish all of our parents, students, and community members a Merry Christmas!

Winter Sports: We will need help with score clocks, shot clocks, scorebooks, and ticket taking for basketball. If you can help us out please contact the office 644-2206 or email [email protected].

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Viking View


Unfortunately we have been inundated lately by parents interrupting the instructional day with phone calls, texts, and messages. Instructional time is being interrupted by parents calling ahead to have their students checked out during the day. Instructional time is being interrupted by wanting to meet with teachers during the day without making appointments. It’s being interrupted by wanting staff to get messages to their students about riding the bus or not riding the bus. It’s being interrupted by calling teachers in their classroom while they are teaching to have personal conversations having nothing to do with education of students. It has become such a distraction that we have to make some changes to some things taken for granted in our school.

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Viking View

Pearl Harbor: Today marks the anniversary of one of the most infamous days in world history when Japan bombed Pearl Harbor. It is always good to take stock of such occasions remembering the sacrifice of the sailors, soldiers, and airmen killed on that fateful day.

**Arlee is having a tough time finding people to help work games so there have been daily changes this week to the Junior High Girls BB Tournament. The latest we know of is that our girls play at 10:30 AM on Friday. We recommend talking to your players and coaches for the most up to date places and times.**

**There have also been daily changes to the High School BB Tournament in Deer Lodge/Anaconda because of schools unable to field teams. The latest we know is that the JV teams play at Noon on Friday and the Varsity teams play at 4 on Friday but this could change again before the day ends. We recommend talking to your players and coaches for the most up to date places and times.**

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Viking View

Winter Sports: Wrestling kicks off this weekend in Polson. High School basketball kicks off Dec. 8 while JHGB wraps up the same weekend. We will need help with score clocks, shot clocks, scorebooks, and ticket taking for basketball. If you can help us out please contact the office 644-2206 or email [email protected].

Athletic Schedules: We do not put out an athletic schedule for high school basketball as there are too many changes on a weekly basis. The reasons for those changes are teams who cancel JV games, shortage of referees, lack of bus drivers, etc. Already, Alberton has cancelled their entire girls basketball season due to lack of interest. The best way to keep up with the basketball schedule and the school schedule for that matter is to get on our school website which is At the top of the page click on calendars and you will then see an up to date monthly calendar. Changes in times and places are made on that calendar. As always please call the office 644-2206 if you have any questions.

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