Viking News

Viking View

Happy Thanksgiving! I hope everyone has something to be grateful for this Thanksgiving. As for me, I am very thankful for the staff we have here at Charlo. They are some of the very best in the business when it comes to our community’s children. Whether it’s in the classroom, on the bus, or in the cafeteria our staff is second to none. I am thankful for our trustees who give it their best no matter the situation. Trustees have a thankless job but we should all be thankful that we have people willing to serve the community in such a way. I am thankful for the parents and community members who support our school, students, and staff. I am thankful for our students, especially those students who show up every day despite the challenges they face in today’s world. May all of you have a blessed Thanksgiving Holiday!

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Viking View

Substitutes: We are so grateful for those on our substitute list but that list is a pretty short one. There has been plenty of illness going around with students and staff this month. There were several days we did not have enough subs to keep everything going like a normally staffed day. If you have any interest in helping us out, we are always looking for substitute teachers, bus drivers, custodians, and cooks to help fill in when regular employees have to be gone. If you would like to be on our substitute list please contact the office for more information at 644-2206. We could really use the help.

Breakfast/Lunch Bill: Please make sure you student’s meals are paid up in a timely fashion. The best practice is to pay ahead. If you have any questions please contact the office.

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Viking View

Veterans Day: Saturday is Veterans Day so I want to thank all those that have served our country in the armed forces. A special thanks to 3 Veterans on our staff here at Charlo School District 7J: Michele Conard, Keenan Palmer, and Jacob Sharbono. I hope everyone out there will take time to recognize the sacrifice and service made by our Veterans. Thanks again for your commitment to our country!

Breakfast/Lunch Bill: Please make sure you student’s meals are paid up in a timely fashion. The best practice is to pay ahead. If you have any questions please contact the office.

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Viking View

ATTENTION PARENTS! Please do NOT drop off or pick up students at the junior high parking area north of the cafeteria near the junior high entrance/shop doors. That area is for employee parking and school buses only. Please do not use that street or area. We do not want to see anyone injured or have a collision between vehicles. Drop off students out in front of the high school and elementary buildings on 1st Ave West or 4th St W. Thank you for your assistance with this matter.

End of 1st Quarter: Today is the end of the first quarter. Make sure you are communicating with your students and their teachers about their grades. If your student is enrolled with the Montana Digital Academy you should be receiving emails from them every two weeks about your student’s progress. Report cards will go home next week.

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Viking View

THANK YOU! We are so appreciative of the staff, parents, and community members who helped make our regular season athletic events successful. Thanks to all the ticket takers, line judges, referees, chain gangs, clock keepers, score book/stat keepers and others who gave their time for our student athletes! We will be needing help when basketball gets rolling so if you can help with score clocks, tickets, shot clocks, or keeping the books please contact the office.

End of 1st Quarter: Nov. 2 is the end of the first quarter. Make sure you are communicating with your students and their teachers about their grades. If your student is enrolled with the Montana Digital Academy you should be receiving emails from them every two weeks about your student’s progress. There should never be surprises on poor grades come report card time. Communication from parents to their students and their students’ teachers is the key.

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Viking View

Parent Teacher Conferences: We are hosting parent teacher conferences 4-7 PM Thursday and 9AM-12 PM Friday. Please join us!

THINK PINK! Oct. 12 and 13 is Think Pink for Cancer Awareness. Please wear Pink. There will be baked goods, silent auctions, and other fundraiser items such as autographed footballs on tap in order to raise money for cancer awareness and prevention.

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Viking View

School Board Meeting Change: The regular monthly school board meeting for October has been moved to Tuesday, Oct. 10, 2023 at 7 PM in the Library.

Immunization Records: If your student is not current with immunizations please schedule an appointment with your medical provider or Lake County Health before Nov. 1, 2023. Make sure to bring a copy of the records to the office once your student has been immunized. If you have questions please contact the school 644-2206.

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Viking View

Flu Shot Clinic Today! Lake Co Health Dept will be offering an Influenza (Flu) Vaccine Clinic at the School on Thursday, September 28th from 2:30 pm-4:30 pm. This is available for all adults in the community as well as children over the age of 6 months accompanied by their parent.

School Board Meeting Change: The regular monthly school board meeting for October has been moved to Tuesday, Oct. 10, 2023 at 7 PM in the Library.

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Viking View

Immunization Records: If your student is not current with immunizations please schedule an appointment with your medical provider or Lake County Health before Oct. 1, 2023. If you have questions please contact the school 644-2206.

Flu Shots: Lake Co Health Dept will be offering an Influenza (Flu) Vaccine Clinic at the School on Thursday, September 28th from 2:30 pm-4:30 pm. This is available for all adults in the community as well as children over the age of 6 months accompanied by their parent.

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Viking View

Homecoming Success! Thank you to everyone that helped make Homecoming 2023 a success! Charlo’s tradition at Homecoming is famous and that tradition continued last week. Thanks to students, staff, parents, and community members for keeping the tradition alive!

Mid-Term: Next Thursday, Sep. 21 is the mid-term of the 1st quarter and progress reports will go out the following week. Please keep up with your student’s academic progress with regular communication with teacher as well as checking in on your students’ information system Infinite Campus.

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