Viking News

Viking View

Homecoming: We do have school tomorrow Friday, Sep. 8. There will be a Homecoming Pep Assembly at 12:15 and the parade will follow at 1. Come out and support the Vikings!

Activity Schedules/Calendar: The schedule changes almost daily due to shortage of officials, shortage of JV teams, low numbers in JH, lack of bus drivers, scheduling conflicts, and lack of game administration assistance. All schools are dealing with these issues so game dates and times are constantly changing. The best way to keep up with the schedule is to check out the school website for the latest information: or call the office at 644-2206.

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Viking View

Admission Prices: New admission prices take affect this weekend. $8 for adults and $4 for students gets you into both the JHFB Game/Varsity FB Game on Friday. If you have a season pass you must have it with you or have a photo of it on your phone. Ticket takers will not have a list so please make sure to have your pass with you.

Activity Schedules/Calendar: Our Fall sports seasons are underway and this weekend we host our first home games of the year. The schedule changes almost daily due to shortage of officials, shortage of JV teams, low numbers in JH, lack of bus drivers, scheduling conflicts, and lack of game administration assistance. All schools are dealing with these issues so game dates and times are constantly changing. The best way to keep up with the schedule is to check out the school website for the latest information: or call the office at 644-2206.

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Viking View

Thank you for your patience! The first week of school is almost in the books. There is always some confusion with schedules, bus routes, classes, meals, and more. Thank you for those who called with questions for clarifications. Thanks to all for having patience with everything. We hope to hit the ground running full stride next Monday.

JHVB Practice: Junior High Volleyball will start practice after school on Aug. 28

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Viking View

Open House: Next Monday, Aug. 21 there will be an Open House from 4-7 PM. This will give students and parents a chance to meet teachers, find their lockers, see classrooms, and complete paperwork. Please stop by to check things out!

Substitutes: We are always looking for substitute teachers, bus drivers, custodians, and cooks to help fill in when regular employees have to be gone. If you would like to be on our substitute list please contact the office for more information at 644-2206.

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School Starts in one week!

Open House: Next Monday, Aug. 21 there will be an Open House from 4-7 PM. This will give students and parents a chance to meet teachers, find their lockers, see classrooms, and complete paperwork. Please stop by to check things out!

Substitutes: We are always looking for substitute teachers, bus drivers, custodians, and cooks to help fill in when regular employees have to be gone. If you would like to be on our substitute list please contact the office for more information at 644-2206.

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Viking View

School Website: Check out for answers to lots of questions you may have with school coming. You can find the school calendar, supply lists, staff directory, etc. You can always call the office with questions at 644-2206.

Registering for School: School start Aug. 22. If you have any questions about enrolling a new student or registering for classes in High School please contact the office beginning the week of Aug. 7. The number is 644-2206.

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Viking View

Rumor Mill: I have been asked a lot about school starting on time. There seems to be a rumor going around that the first day is going to be delayed. That is NOT true. School will start on time. There will most likely still be some construction happening but crews will work around the school days and our schedule. The first day of school is Aug. 22.

Question of the Week: How is the new HVAC system being paid for?

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Viking View

As all of you know the cost of doing business keeps rising in all areas and athletics is no exception. Paying for referees, game administration, custodians, and other overhead costs can be over $1000 for a night for a high school basketball game. In order to combat some of those expenses some changes were made to admission prices and annual passes for extra-curricular activities this coming school year. It has been over 10 years since admission fees have been raised and we hope that everyone understands the District’s position with keeping things running for our students. For 2023-2024 the following prices will

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Viking View

It’s hard to believe but there are only 40 days until students report for class. We have been able to fill most of our positions at school but are still looking for a few in order to be fully staffed. If you or somebody you know is looking for a job please pass the word! If we are unable to fill the positions it’s the students who will be most impacted as changes to meals or the possibility of cancelling junior high athletic seasons are very real.

Assistant Cook Position: Charlo has an Assistant Cook position open for the 2023-2024 school year. This a full time position during the school year which begins approximately Aug. 20 for employees. Charlo will be on a 4 day per week schedule: Mon-Thu. All applicants should like kids and working in a school setting. Applicants must have a HS Diploma or GED, must pass a fingerprint background check, and be motivated to be a team player. Wages DOE. Health insurance benefits, retirement, sick leave, and vacation leave are all provided by the School District. In order to apply all interested applicants should complete a District Application which can be found at An application can also be requested by calling 644-2206. Any questions can be directed to Steve Love, Superintendent by calling 644-2206 ext 230 or emailing [email protected].

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Viking View

Campus Construction: There is a lot of demolition and construction going on this Summer at the school so we request that everyone stay off the campus unless with coaches or school personnel. We are beginning to install new HVAC equipment in the elementary and high school buildings. There will be roofing repairs being made to the library and high school. There will be work to change our weight room area. A small addition will be added to the junior high in order to improve insulation as well as give us more storage. There will be lots of digging, there will be lots of old material laying around, and there will many different workers trying to focus on their jobs. We know that the play ground/outdoor basketball courts are popular places for students to play but please help us keep everyone safe by finding another place to recreate this Summer. If you have any questions please contact the office 644-2206.

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