Viking News

Viking View

Safety Survey: In the past year the Board of Trustees has made improvements with safety at school. They have increased physical features around campus and been discussing ways to help on other ways too. A survey went out at the beginning of this week and again this morning, requesting ideas and thoughts from parents/community members/staff. It is a short survey and the more peopled who participate in it the better the trustees will know how our community feels about safety issues at school. Please take the time to complete the survey. If you have already completed the survey we really appreciate it. If you missed the email the survey is available on the school website on the lower left hand part of your screen. If you have questions please contact the office at 644-2206.

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Viking View

Junior Prom: This Saturday is the Junior Prom. The dance will be at Rugged Horizons 62143 Blood Ranch in St. Ignatius. The grand march is at 8 PM.

Vaccination Clinic on Tuesday April 18th, 2023: The Lake County Health Department will be offering Tdap vaccinations to the 6th graders at Charlo School. Current Montana law requires that each child receive a Tdap prior to entering 7th grade. We are also offering Meningococcal and HPV vaccines to all eligible students. Letters have been sent out to parents of 6th graders who haven’t gotten their Tdap vaccine yet. If you would like to have your child participate in the school vaccine clinic please return the consent forms mailed to you no later than April 13th or stop by the office where additional forms are available. Please include the necessary payment/insurance information, however no student will be turned away due to inability to pay. Any questions please feel free to call either Leigh Johnson RN Lake County Health Dept 406-883-7314 or myself Marie Evans LPN Charlo School Nurse 406-644-2206

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Viking View

Trustee Elections: There are 3 openings on the school board this Spring. If you are interested in running you must live in Charlo School District 7J. You must be a registered voter in Charlo School District 7J. You must turn in a Declaration of Intent and Oath of Candidacy by 4 PM on Mar. 23. Forms are available in the District Office. If you have questions you can call Sara Vaughan, our District Clerk, at 406-644-2206 ext 303.

Junior High Track: Junior high track practice starts on Mar. 27. Athletes who have not participated in other sports this year must have a physical in order to start practice.

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Viking View

Trustee Elections: There are 3 openings on the school board this Spring. If you are interested in running you must live in Charlo School District 7J. You must be a registered voter in Charlo School District 7J. You must turn in a Declaration of Intent and Oath of Candidacy by 4 PM on Mar. 23. Forms are available in the District Office. If you have questions you can call Sara Vaughan, our District Clerk, at 406-644-2206 ext 303.

Junior High Track: Junior high track practice starts on Mar. 27. Athletes who have not participated in other sports this year must have a physical in order to start practice.

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Viking View

Trustee Elections: There are 3 openings on the school board this Spring. If you are interested in running you must live in Charlo School District 7J. You must be a registered voter in Charlo School District 7J. You must turn in a Declaration of Intent and Oath of Candidacy by 4 PM on Mar. 23. Forms are available in the District Office. If you have questions you can call Sara Vaughan, our District Clerk, at 406-644-2206 ext 303.

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Viking View

Trustee Elections: There are 3 openings on the school board this Spring. If you are interested in running you must live in Charlo School District 7J. You must be a registered voter in Charlo School District 7J. You must turn in a Declaration of Intent and Oath of Candidacy by 4 PM on Mar. 23. Forms are available in the District Office. If you have questions you can call Sara Vaughan, our District Clerk, at 406-644-2206 ext 303.

High School Track/Softball: High School (grades 9-12) begins practice for Track/Softball on Mar. 13. Grades 6-8 will begin junior high track practice on Mar. 20. Athletes who have not participated in other sports this year must have a physical in order to start practice.

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Viking View

Divisional BB: The Divisional Basketball Tournament Brackets are posted to the school facebook page. It will be held at the MAC in Butte Feb. 23-25. Prices for admission are $10 for adults and $8 for students. The boys play West Yellowstone at 9:30 on Thursday and the girls play Twin Bridges at 12:30.

Secondary Ski Trip to Lookout Feb. 27: The bus will load at 7:30 AM and Leave at 7:45 AM. Do not be late. Expect to be back in Charlo between 6:00-6:30 PM.

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Viking View

Congratulations Nate Alder! Nate won the Lake County Spelling Bee last Friday. Kylie Cox placed 2nd! Great job to both students.

District BB: The District Basketball Tournament starts Feb. 16 in Polson at the Linderman gym. Daily tickets are $10 Adults and $7 for students and seniors. Tournament Pass is $25 for Adults/seniors and students are $20. The girls play at 2 PM Thursday against Alberton. The boys play at 1:30 PM Friday against the winner of Superior/Noxon. Tournament Brackets are posted to the school facebook page.

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Viking View

Question of the Week: In an effort to improve communication we will start having a “Question of the Week”. If you have a question please email it to [email protected]. Then one of the questions submitted will be drawn to be addressed in the following week’s Viking View. Questions cannot involve personal situations among students, staff, or parents. They should be general in nature and related to public information.

This week’s question: Why does it seem like athletic schedules/game times are always changing?

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Viking View

Divisional Wrestling: Good luck to the Mission-Charlo Wrestlers at the Western B-C Divisonal Tournament today and tomorrow in Pablo at SKC. Action starts at 10 AM this morning.

Senior Night: Tonight the Seniors and their parents will be honored between the varsity games. The JV’s start at 4 PM, GV approximately 5:30, and BV approximately 7:00.

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