HS Wrestling Cancelled: Tonight’s match between Mission/Charlo and Superior has been cancelled. They will try to reschedule.
HSBB Games Cancelled: The high school games vs Superior on Jan. 14 have been postponed and hopefully will be rescheduled.
Event Parking: Please be aware of Senior Citizen and Disabled parking zones near and around the gyms. They are set aside for our older fans or fans who might have a disability which requires closer parking. Please observe the signs and park farther away to make room for others who need to be in proximity.
End of 1st Semester: The second quarter and 1st semester ends on Jan. 20, 2022. Please contact your student’s teachers if you have any questions about their grades or progress. HS Students who are interested in the Montana Digital Academy must contact Mr. Love. Deadlines are approaching.
COVID 19 CLINIC: January, 14th tribal health will again hold a COVID vaccination clinic at Charlo High School. Hours will be from 10:00am -12:00pm. They will have vaccines available for anyone needing their first or second immunization as well as any booster shots needed. This is provided as a free service to any community member. If you have any questions please feel free to contact Marie Evans LPN Charlo School Nurse at 406-644-2206 ext 200.
Weather Events: It’s time to make sure students have proper clothes and parents stay tuned to the radio, email, or school facebook page in the event that school is delayed or cancelled. We will do our best to make decisions the day before a cancellation. Sometimes the decision is made before bus routes leave which is 6:45 AM. 750 KERR radio will be notified and email will be sent out in the event of cancellations.
January 12th
- Charlo Academic Bowl 9:00
- Child Find 12:30
- MSGBB Pictures after School
January 13th
- MSGBB vs. Mission 4:30 - C@4:30, then B, then A
- WR vs. Superior 6:00 - Sr. Night @ 5:30
January 14th
- Wrestling @ Choteau Classic
- GBB & BBB vs. Superior CANCELLED
- COVID Vaccine Clinic 10:00-1:00
January 15th
- MSGBB Charlo Jamboree
- Wrestling @ Choteau Classic
- GBB & BBB @ Hot Springs
- 4:00 BJV
- 5:30 GV
- 7:00 BV
January 19th
- ASVAB Testing - All Seniors and interested Juniors
January 20th
- End of Quarter 2 / Semester 1
- Wrestling @ Anaconda 6:00
- MSGBB @ Arlee (B&C teams)
January 21st
- GBB & BBB vs. St. Regis 4:00
- 4:00 JVG
- 4:00 JVB
- 5:30 VB
- 7:00 VG
- WR @ Plains 6:00