Dress-up Days
- Monday: No School for students
- Tuesday: YMCA, Freshman - Police Officers, Sophomores - Firefighters, Juniors - Bikers, Senior - Navy Sailors, Staff - Cowboys
- Wednesday: USA day
- Thursday: Glitter Gold & Hollywood Glamor
- Friday: Purple and White
- HSVB vs MVCA and Alberton starting at 5:30 PM
- BBQ after VB Match vs Alberton
- Pep Assembly at 11:30 for K-12 and Community
- Parade @ 1:00 PM
- Bus Routes will run following the parade at approximately 1:45 PM. Please note the time change in kick off for the football game.
HSFB vs Darby @ 5:00 PM
Due to lack of officials the crew from Missoula will be officiating two games Friday night. We are grateful to them for working hard for all schools to keep homecoming games on the same night.
Please pay your participation fees, annual athletic fees, and meal fees: With all of the inflation and rises in prices with almost everything we have tried to work with all families on the athletic and participation fees. Please have them paid by Sep. 30.
Free/Reduced Meals: Check out the school facebook page for information concerning free/reduced meals at school. If you have questions please call 644-2206 ext 229.
Activities: We are full steam ahead with cross country, volleyball, and football for the Fall. The best way to keep up on dates and times is to watch the school calendar from the school website. The website is https://charlo.k12.mt.us/. From there you can click on “calendar” which is in the top right of the website. Most any change that occurs is updated on that calendar when it comes to times and dates. There are all sorts of reasons in which cause changes. Sometimes it’s a shortage of officials that day. Sometimes it’s a lack of a bus driver. Sometimes there isn’t enough athletes for a squad. It can be the weather. Whatever the reason we do our best to update the calendar and get the word out as soon as possible. You can always call the office at 644-2206 with questions.
Reminders: Thank you in advance!
- Please drive from North to South when dropping off students in the morning. It makes such a difference if kids are NOT having to cross against traffic.
- If you must park at the school to unload the best place is on the side street south of the playground or near the gyms.
- DO NOT PARK in bus zones. Follow all school bus traffic laws.
- Fill out a free/reduced lunch form available in the office
- Please pay participation fees, meal fees, annual athletic fees as soon as possible
- If your high school student signed up for MTDA there might be a fee to pay so please discuss it with them or call the office if you have questions. There is no fee for a foreign language class.
- Students in 7-12 will be checked out a chromebook. Students must sign a computer contract before a chromebook will be assigned.
Student Contact Information: In this day of social media, cell phones, etc it seems like kids do not know some basic contact information. Please make sure your child knows your cell phone number as well as another emergency cell phone contact. Additionally, when your cell phone changes please contact the school so we can make the changes in our student information system. Thank you for your attention to this matter.
- No School Sep. 19 – Tribal Education PIR Day for Teachers
- JVFB vs Arlee 4:30 PM Sep. 19
- School Board Meeting Sep. 20 at 7 PM in the Library. Regular monthly school board meetings are held the third Tuesday of each month. Agendas are posted no later than the Friday before the meeting at the school, Charlo Post Office, and Dixon Post Office. Board packets are available upon request at the District Office.
- XC @ T Falls Sep. 20 @ 3 PM
- JHVB @ Ronan Sep. 20 @ 4:30 PM
- Charlo Child Find: Sep. 21 from 12:30-3:00 PM
- JVVB vs MVCA Sep. 22 @ 5:30 PM Varsity vs Alberton to follow
- HSFB vs Darby @ 5:00 PM Sep. 23 (Time change due to lack of officials)