SUPER SUBSTITUTES! This week we were hit with lots of staffing issues but because of our employees covering in other areas and our local substitutes, we kept everything running. Thank you to all of our subs in the community for always pitching in, sometimes as the last second: Alyssa Cahoon, Kandy Carey, Melissa Coleman, Crystal Stipe, Kendra Alder, Nichole Cote, Joe Bartlett, and Dana Darlington. I hope I didn’t miss anyone. We could not keep the doors open without you!
Regular Monthly School Board Meeting has been moved: December’s monthly school board meeting will be held on Wednesday, Dec. 21 at 7 PM rather than Dec. 20.
Reporting Absences: Charlo is blessed with the world’s best secretary and most of you know that. Please respect her personal time and personal phone by calling the school when reporting a student absence rather than texting, messaging, or calling her on her private cell phone. Imagine if you were out sick or were taking a day off for family getaway but still getting calls and texts about work all day. It happens all too often so please respect the personal time of all our employees. The correct way to report an absent student is to call the office at 406-644-2206 and follow the voicemail menu. Thank you for your attention to this matter.
Electronic Payments: We have the electronic payments for meals up and running through Infinite Campus. Parents are already taking advantage of it. You will need a login for Infinite Campus. If you do not please contact the office or check out the website for instructions. At this time only payments for meals are accepted. Once the glitches are worked out then we will hopefully add the capability of paying for other fees such as participation and year books.
Junior High Girls BB: Practice for JHGB will start Dec.19. Their first game is Jan. 14. Please be sure to have your physicals and concussion forms completed and signed. Athletes cannot practice without a physical and concussion form.
Shot Clock: One addition to high school basketball is the shot clock. If you can help us out during JV and Varsity games with running the shot clock, score clock, scorebooks, or ticket taking please contact Lorri O’Neill at
Contact Information: Please notify the school if your phone number changes! Please set up voicemail on your phone! We have too many parents/guardians that we cannot communicate with via phone. Call 644-2206 if you have changes or questions.
Winter Weather: Temperatures are dropping so please make sure to send warm clothes to school with your kids. Boots, hats, gloves, mittens, and scarves are great items to keep warm.
BUSY MONTH! December is a busy month and there might be schedule changes so please keep track of the calendar on the school website or call the office with any questions!
- Dec. 1 JHBB @ Mission 4 PM
- Dec. 2-3 Wrestling @ Polson
- Dec. 3 JHBB Jamboree in Charlo
- Dec. 6 JHBB vs Mission 4:30 PM
- Dec. 8 Wrestling @ Plains
- Dec. 9-10 JHBB @ Thompson Falls
- Dec. 9 HSGB/HSBB @ Deer Lodge 3 PM (JVB, VG, VB)
- Dec. 10 HSGB/HSBB @ Anaconda 3:15 PM (JVB, VG, VB)
- Dec. 10 Wrestling @ Superior
- Dec. 12 6-12 Christmas Concert 7 PM
- Dec. 13 K-5 Christmas Concert 6:30 PM
- Dec. 14 Academic Bowl @ Ronan
- Dec. 15 Wrestling @ Fairfield
- Dec. 17 HSBB vs Arlee 3 PM (Both JVs, VB, VG)
- Dec. 20 HSBB/HSGB @ PBurg 2:30 PM (JVB, JVG, VB, VG)
- Dec. 21 School Board Meeting 7 PM – Monthly school board meeting agendas are posted the Friday before the meeting date at the school, Charlo Post Office, and Dixon Post Office. Packets are available upon request to the District Office.
- Dec. 22 HSBB vs Alberton 4 PM (JVB, VG, VB)
- Dec. 23 HSBB @ Hot Springs 3 PM (JVB, VG, VB)
- Christmas Break Dec. 23-Jan. 2 - -NO SCHOOL