Viking View

Legislature: There are many bills being introduced in the legislature affecting public education. Some are positive and some negative. I would encourage everyone to pay close attention to any of the bills but especially HB 203. It fundamentally changes a school district’s ability to control out of district enrollment while affecting taxpayers/school districts in a negative way. School districts in the Mission Valley will be hit harder than most due to the mobility of students throughout the Mission Valley. If you have questions about the legislature and public education bills please call the office. You can also find information on the Montana School Board Association website.

Elementary Ski Trip: January 19 is the ski trip for grades 3-5 to Lookout Pass. Sign ups were sent home this week. Make sure to send the form back to your student’s home room teacher by Tuesday, Jan. 17.

Semester Ending: The first semester ends on Jan. 12. Please be sure to keep up with your student’s progress. High School students thinking of changing classes in their daily schedule should be visiting with Ms. Michels about those changes right now. If your student is thinking about Montana Digital Academy Classes have them see Mr. Love as soon as possible.
