Viking View

Charlo Volunteer Fireman’s Fund Raiser: The Charlo Volunteer Firemen will be hosting their 29th annual fund raiser this Saturday, April 15th at the school. Dinner starts at 4:30! Please come support these folks as they are such a vital part of our community!

Safety Survey: If you have not completed the safety survey please do so. The survey is available on the school website on the left hand side of the page. If you have any questions please contact the office at 644-2206.

Vaccination Clinic on Tuesday April 18th, 2023: The Lake County Health Department will be offering Tdap vaccinations to the 6th graders at Charlo School. Current Montana law requires that each child receive a Tdap prior to entering 7th grade. We are also offering Meningococcal and HPV vaccines to all eligible students. Letters have been sent out to parents of 6th graders who haven’t gotten their Tdap vaccine yet. If you would like to have your child participate in the school vaccine clinic please return the consent forms mailed to you no later than April 13th or stop by the office where additional forms are available. Please include the necessary payment/insurance information, however no student will be turned away due to inability to pay. Any questions please feel free to call either Leigh Johnson RN Lake County Health Dept 406-883-7314 or myself Marie Evans LPN Charlo School Nurse 406-644-2206

Book Fair: The BOGO book fair will be next week, April 17-21! If you have questions please contact Mrs. Petersen 644-2206 ext 223.

School Board Meeting: The regular monthly school board meeting is every third Tuesday of the month at 7 PM in the library except for June, July, August which begin at 8 PM. Agendas are posted no later than Friday before the meeting at the school, the Charlo Post Office, and the Dixon Post Office. Board packets are available upon request.

Question of the Week: In an effort to improve communication we will start have a “Question of the Week”. If you have a question please email it to Then one of the questions submitted will be drawn to be addressed in the following week’s Viking View. Questions cannot involve personal situations among students, staff, or parents. They should be general in nature and related to public information.

This week’s question: No Questions submitted.
