Viking View

Non-resident applications: Each year students who attend Charlo but do not reside in our school district must apply for enrollment each year. Applications can be picked up in the District Office, downloaded from the school website, or call 644-2206 to have one mailed to you.

Countdown: The countdown has started. There are only 6 days left in the school year. Be sure to call about paying fees: lunch, library, shop, athletics, etc. If you have questions please call the office with any questions 644-2206.

Coaching Positions Available: We still have several coaching positions open and could use some help! Currently we have Junior High Football, Junior High Girls Basketball, and Junior High Boys Basketball: if you have any interest in any of these positions please contact Steve Love at 644-2206 ext 230 or email him

Assistant Cook Position: Charlo has an Assistant Cook position open for the 2023-2024 school year. This a full time position during the school year which begins approximately Aug. 20 for employees. Charlo will be on a 4 day per week schedule: Mon-Thu. All applicants should like kids and working in a school setting. Applicants must have a HS Diploma or GED, must pass a fingerprint background check, and be motivated to be a team player. Wages DOE. Health insurance benefits, retirement, sick leave, and vacation leave are all provided by the School District. In order to apply all interested applicants should complete a District Application which can be found at An application can also be requested by calling 644-2206. Any questions can be directed to Steve Love, Superintendent by calling 644-2206 ext 230 or emailing

Lunch and Breakfast: Please pay your student’s breakfast and lunch bills. Letters went out this week and we want to do our best to work with families during these tough economic times. We can see about setting up payment plans. We are also set up to pay via credit or debit card through Infinite Campus. If you have questions please contact the office 644-2206.

Library: All Materials should be returned by May 24.

School Board Meeting: The regular monthly school board meeting is every third Tuesday of the month at 7 PM in the library except for June, July, August which begin at 8 PM. Agendas are posted no later than Friday before the meeting at the school, the Charlo Post Office, and the Dixon Post Office. Board packets are available upon request.

Question of the Week: None submitted this week.
