Miranda Long
6th Grade
(406) 644-2206 x245
Mrs. Long’s Supply List
- Earbuds
- Book Cover for History
- Pencil Bag
- #2 Pencils
- Pens—Blue or Black
- Colored Pencils
- Highlighters—Yellow and Pink Are Best
- 4- 1.5” Binders—I Suggest Buying Ones With a Hard Spine and Built in Flaps
- 4 Packages of Three Ring Binder Dividers
- 2 One Subject Spiral Notebooks—These Will Be Used for Science and History Vocabulary
- 1 Composition Notebook—Writing
- 2 Packages of College Ruled Loose Leaf Paper—Used for All Classes
- Lock for Locker (Optional)
- PE Shoes and Separate PE Clothes
- Planner—This Is Mandatory!